VAI :: Max 8 test with 3DScan

It’s interesting to see how this video came together. I wanted to play simple videos with my Novation LaunchPad and use projection while I`m performing. Instead, Matt Romein made a 3D scan (itseez3d) of me and it seemed as a fun source material to use and play with.

These days are tough. And somehow this music from Kiasmos just really fits my general mood. Added my semi-serious face by just filming the screen of the iPad is an interesting blend. Not to mention how strange is to see yourself in 3D and use yourself as a material.

I`m thinking of going further on this path towards finals.

Audio by the non-judgmental MIC


Last time I was in a cake shop. I was alone and I heard a man asking the vendor about the different cakes. He was standing there for long minutes and the line behind us was just getting longer. It was the Hungarian pastry shop and I’m a prime customer so I stopped him and recommended my fav cake. He was so happy to have a conversation and he immediately has chosen the one I mentioned to him. It was a very nice feeling connect with someone for a short time who you don’t know.

Personal weirdness and the method

I’m always traveling with headphones in order not to have my panic attacks triggered by loud noises. This assignment started with capturing those particular sounds on my way in the city which could potentially trigger. I thought the end result will be some kind of audio collage made out of these aggressive sounds.  Listening back to the recording, I recognized that I accidentally captured people’s conversation who were on the same train. My very first idea was to interview people about their day on the street where I live, but I found it more direct than the previous “white sheet experiment” so I came up with this new one. But I forgot something, which is that the microphone is not judging, it’s not selecting. It captures everything as a whole compared to the recording person whose brain is selecting and filtering out sounds which s/he doesn’t need!

The end result is a non-judgmental audio recording from my day where I intended to capture panic attack triggering sounds but I ended up record people’s conversations sharing the same time and space as I did.

( you can also recognize that the waveforms are fairly different between leaving my house from Williamsburg in the morning and landing in Manhattan near 14th street )

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Sloooooomooooooo :: Lipstick Wars on Bagel street

It was pretty fun playing around with Twixtor and old commercial promoting lipstick. I had to “hack” the composition when I applied Twixtor otherwise I just get a huge red cross on the footage.

I wanted to create a division between now and then, the footage on the left is clearly from the far past and because of the VR headset, the footage on the right is from the present. I would like to blend these two together with a “slit-scan-like” method but I haven’t figured out yet what is the way to do it.


Collective Narrative:: Blank sheet, Dirty Hands

I’m glad I took the time to read the assignments profoundly. After 4-hours of reading it and look up the 49 new words I had no clue about, I got inspired.

“Blank sheet, Dirty Hands” is a location-based participatory narrative installation.

There are no instructions, just a blank sheet. When I went down, after setting up the cameras from my balcony, I felt adrenalin of just being in the public and do something unusual. I thought it’s a good idea to explore my neighborhood since I just moved to this area two weeks ago.

And it was not everything, the hidden-camera footage reveals very surprising facts about the community living around – me.



I’ll make sure that I write down all the notes from the sheet which is not blank anymore. I’m very happy with this result and I feel this is just the beginning.


Collective Narrative :: 12h docu challenge

Following the Hourly Comic format, here is my 9am-9pm on this Sunday, using mixed media and the 3-minute meditation practice.

The 3 minutes meditation practice is a short version of the general mediation practice I’m doing on a weekly basis. the 3-minute meditation brings closer to your inner self and connects you with the moment you are meditating in through a breathing practice. It helps to look at things from a different distance without any social restriction or border. For me personally, It provokes a playful way of perceiving things with a clearer mind as in early childhood. Since this meditation method allows me to release creativity I didn’t need to stage the objects at all. I found them just as beautiful as they appeared in space. I found myself lost in textures and materials and I intended to show my surrounding from an unusual perspective.

The texts on the pictures are barely readable and it represented my feeling from the previous one hour. I thought text can be an extra layer of communication just as in comics usually.


Magic :: Final :: Uncomf AR


What might seem innocent and non-threatening to a man is worrisome to women.  What may seem like a nice gesture to a man may seem menacing and pushy to women.  What men may consider flirting, she may interpret as harassment or lewd comments.


Image result for the male gaze

Image result for the male gazeImage result for me2 movement




GOAL ::  Make a database of instagram pictures posted by women – of situations when they’ve felt uncomfortable in men’s company. There would be two sections, one where a map appears in AR and we can see photos on it  :: MACROand an other one where by walking by these photos we see them at their actual location. :: MICRO

Possible partners ::

NANE (Women Against Female Abuse) in Hungary, SVS (Stop Sexual Violence) in France, Lara in Germany, and RAINN from the USA


Get to know ARKit and install MapBox in Unity – import the MapBox package

GoogleMaps – copy the latitude and longitude of Washington Square

Copy it to the Abstract Map script. Copy  location”: { “latitude“: 37.778720183610183, “longitude“: -122.3962783813477


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Setting the terrain, buildings and road through the AbstractMap.

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I opened a new developer profile for my fresh Instagram account name attack_panics

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I registered a New Client.

I received an access_token and based on that I was hoping to get the API datas of my profiles ( basics, likes, relationships) and PUBLIC CONTENT.

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I wanted to load the photos on my map through the API data BUT MY ACCESS TOKEN IS INVALID for some unknown reasons!!!

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