Magic :: AR Biker’s path

With this AR App I would like to generate a discussion about how bad is the condition of the bike roads and in general biker’s life in NYC.

Image result for bike path lines map city bird view

When we bikers are calm.IMG_7470

When we are pissed off!Related imageImage result for car crash bike

Alternative solutions.

Image result for bike road carRelated imageImage result for bike avoid road hazard

Graphic ideas for weight points:

Related image

Related image


Question on the fly:

How to localize without GPS?

A great solution would be RSSI Fingerprinting which is basically creating a gird of nodes which has signal strength and mac address. Unfortunately it only works on Android.

How it should work in the future:

I would like to create a similar app which allows bikers to make a photo of the hazard on the road/ the car who is parking on the bike road. The picture will stay in the location where they were photographed. By time it can be not only a nice tool for reports of road conditions but can be also a time-based ar installation which would draw attention to the fact that biking NYC is dangerous.

How this works now:

For now I was experimenting with the Placenote SDK which allows to capture a map which is lets you scan any space and turn it into a smart canvas for positioning AR objects. Placenote integrates with ARKit on iOS devices by wrapping ARKit’s tracking functionality in a cloud-based computer vision and machine learning API that lets you build Persistent AR apps quickly and easily.

Augmented Reality SDK with computer vision to save map information so that we can re-localize it later.

ArCore >> Using cloud anchors which can be recognized by iOS. It only stores them for 24hours. The trick is Placenote!

Placenote SDK ( takes care of cloud storage for us ) only works for iOS. It lets you quickly build cloud-based AR apps that permanently save AR content in physical locations, indoors and outdoors.

Placenote only saves MAPS. The content has to be save locally or on the back end a private server.

We can DROP WEIGTH POINTS as we move through the indoor space.




Screen Shot 2018-10-31 at 4.43.34 PM

Screen Shot 2018-10-31 at 4.37.37 PM


Future ideas:

Use it outside with a different SDK with GPS.

Print out image target which can be sprayed on the corner.









ComNarr :: Sketch #2 BLAME LOOP

There are those days when people are blaming themselves for different reasons. In this story I used the quotes what I usually imagine as if my husband would tell me these. I collected the worst possible outcome of how my life would end and juxtaposed these suppositions with the GIFs created by artist Magda Kres.

I used Twine.

BIM :: Week4 :: Pool Affordances

I missed you dear Quill. In my opinion Quill developed a lot in the past couple of months and it was a pleasure to work with it again. During the Saturday lab we managed to capture me acting as if I would swim and find something underwater.

I used the underwater physics in a Physical Volume Process area. I added a PostProcessVolume which allowed me to create this underwater feeling. I played around with interaction with a point light and also with some materials brought from Allegorithmic Substance B2M. FUN!



Of course I had plenty of problems.

The quick rig did not work. Step by step it was not too bad either.

Rigging worked, I was worried about the feet but it turned out to be a cute monkey-like character.

Characterising the HIPS is still my fav step in MotionBuilder aka MOBU.

Since I couldn’t get any of the footage other took of me this is all about the LAB sorry. Yes I even hold my breath look how professional.

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